This is how we typically spend our Sunday late afternoons/early evenings. We are both vegging out on the couch, watching a movie, and playing on our laptops. Oh, and we can't forget Winston, he's laying at my feet. I made a great chicken casserole dinner tonight too - yummy!
I'm frustrated right now, because we had a "no show" today with looking at our house as a rental. I'm no idiot, I know we're going to get interesting people here (we had one yesterday!) and a lot of flaky people (today!) But, this lady seemed really nice in her emails, and she even called this morning to postpone her appointment. And, after waiting for an hour and half, I finally changed into my bathing suit, and headed out to the pool for some trashy girl novel time. She just wasn't going to come. Anyhow, the good thing that came out of these appointments, is that we CLEANED our house all day yesterday, decluttered, and even started packing. I think the reality of moving is starting to sink in.
Please pray for us, or send us some good thoughts, if that's not up your alley....we'll need it. We are asking for responsible, kind, and caring tenants. Oh, and thank goodness, it is FINALLY raining! Our lawn is pathetic - lol!!!

1 comment:
Looky luies! Sucks you wanted that long, but at least you got some packing done.
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