I thought it would be fun to blog about my bridal shower, even though it was over a month ago...
My shower was held on Saturday, August 18th at Caryn and Michael's home. It was a beautiful day, and the shower was perfect! I was overly impressed with what the caterer had done, and the food was delicious. And, more importantly, I was surprised at how many people were able to come. To be honest, I was really overwhelmed in the beginning. There were so many people there, and I couldn't believe how beautiful everything was. After a glass of wine, I felt better. And, after I ate some of the delicious food! The caterer was so great, we are using him for the Rehearsal Dinner and family brunch, the day after the wedding.
When I came home with all of my gifts, Bob was shocked. I don't think he realized how many people were coming, and all of the gifts we would receive. I finally, just this last weekend, found places for them all. But, guess what? More gifts are still pouring in... now for the wedding. Is it ok to register for a bigger house? Or, what about a new hutch or buffet for the dining room? I need storage people!
Overall, the shower was amazing! Thank you to Caryn, my mom, and sister for throwing a flawless shower. And, thank you to all of the special girls that were there. It was truly a joyous event!
15 days...

It was a perfect shower! I love that picture of you opening your gift, you look so happy and sweet:) Bob's dad did a great job with the pictures. I want his camera, what kind is it?
I'm not sure what kind of camera he has, but I do know that it's expensive - lol!
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