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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Belated 26th Birthday Kathy!

My little sister Kathy celebrated her 26th birthday on July 24th. Happy Belated Birthday Kathy!

Kathy is 3.5 years younger than me. She was the best maid of honor a girl could ask for. The Bachelorette party was awesome, and her toast at the wedding was perfect! Kathy goes by the nickname of "Pig" in our family. I am "Mouse." Yes, weird, we know. Kathy was a talented cheerleader in high school, and could do things in the air, I can only dream of. She drives a cool black Jetta, loves Florida State, playing golf, reality TV shows, has a great sense of style, and will embarrass herself to make others laugh. She's had her life flipped upside down recently, but is handling things like a trooper.

Happy birthday Pig, we miss you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BTW, that is a HOT picture of me, thanks :) LOL


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