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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

May 4th, 2009 - My 2nd time to hold Bobby...

Here is video of Bobby and I, on May 4th, 2009. This was the day I was discharged from the hospital. He remained there, in the NICU for 8 more days after this was taped. I held Bobby for the first time the night he was born. I was doped up, and could barely keep him in my arms. We had to wait 4 days for me to hold him again. It was the longest wait ever! If you can stand to watch the entire thing (I thought I had uploaded the shorter version), you'll hear us talk about him having brown eyes, instead of blue. We were totally wrong there! Ha! This was filmed with Bob's sister's Flip camera. We finally got it imported onto our computer this weekend, once we had our own Flip camera (we needed the software to do so...).


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