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Thursday, August 28, 2008

How do I say this?

When I find a product I like, or dislike, I want to share it with my readers. Do I even have readers? LOL....  Anyhow, since working at Fleet Feet, I have noticed that I now have a bit of a sweat problem.  I've never been much of a "sweat-er" before, but I find myself coming home, and seeing pit stains. Am I grossing you out yet? If you have this problem, I suggest the above.  I have seen it at Publix for about $8.00.  It is quite pricey.  I bought some at Sam's, and it was $12.00, which included two sticks, and a travel-sized one.  Good deal.  I no longer have those pesky stains, but it hasn't completely covered the odor.  In my opinion, the stains are the lesser of the two evils.  


Jamie said...

hey stinky, you're pretty funny. i'm glad you found something that's working for you! we need to talk soon.

Shannon said...

jen, believe it or not, i totally empathize...i tried a product called "certain-dri" that i swear by...i haven't used it lately and ironically have been thinking about purchasing another few....

The Regal Pup said...

The Secret seems to be working! I haven't had any "issues" lately! Bob is using one for men by Gillette, and also swears by it. I've heard of that Certain-Dri brand too. Good to know that works too!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

I've tried every clinical strength deodorant that is available. Surprisingly enough, Secret was the least effective. I like the Dove one more than any of the others....and while they do keep you drier...the smell they create is just strange. It's not necessarily a BO smell or s swear's just...weird. I wear J.Crew cardigans to work almost everyday and I think it might be a reaction between the fabric and the chemicals in the deodorant.


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