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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Catchin' Up

Well, we are back from our vacation...

There is so much to catch up on, so it may take me a few posts. I worked last Thursday, and go back today, so it was definitely a fun-filled week! The main, big thing that happened was we went down to Orlando for my baby shower. It was fabulous! I'll be posting pics soon.

We started of *our vacation by seeing Wicked Friday night, here in Birmingham. (Who am I kidding? It was really my vacation! Bob continued to work at his company's office in Orlando while we were down there. Poor guy!)

Anyhow, the play was absolutely amazing! We both enjoyed it a great deal. I will say that it ranks up there with one of my most favorite. It was cute too, because I kept having to remind Bob how certain things played into the movie. I guess I was a bit more obsessed with it as a kid.

The venue was great too! Although Birmingham is not as big as Orlando, I do believe downtown is. Our skyline here is much bigger, and more "city-like" than Orlando. Anyhow, the venue was at the BJCC, which is a huge cultural hub here in Birmingham. The acoustics were much better than the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre in Orlando. And, the best thing about it - you are allowed to have food and drinks in the theatre!

Overall, the night was a great kick-off to a fun week!

I'll update more about the baby shower, seeing my family, the beach, and some other interesting things soon. I've got to take the pup for a walk before I head into work.

Hope everyone has a great day!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

it was so great to see you and your belly :) if you have that picture your mom took of us, i want it!! that was a great shower, your family is so cute...


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