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Sunday, March 8, 2009


Conversation between myself and the bagger at Publix, as he is helping me to my car:

Bagger:  Are you doing anything for Spring Break?

Me:  (laughing) No.

Bagger:  Just because you're old doesn't mean you can't do anything.

Me:  (Silent).


Jamie said...

old?!? WHAT? how funny! i feel so young and i don't think for a second we are getting old. for heaven's sake you just turned 30. i guess it's all a matter of perspective:) a better response for the bagger would have been, " just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you can't do anything".

btw, i spent, 40.97 at publix this week and saved 41. and some change! i love when i save more then i spend.

Anonymous said...

okay- that was funny!!!mom


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