I have been blogging since the fall of 2007. At first, it was to document our wedding and honeymoon. And, soon thereafter, Bobby's life. Between all of that - I sometimes would post about entertainment, food, or just my opinion on a subject. I feel like my blog has never had much of a direction, other than to journal and document our family's life. I doubt I will ever stray too far from that. Although I do have a baby book for Bobby, it is nowhere near as detailed as my blog. And, I certainly would have never remembered our day to day activities from our honeymoon, had I not blogged about each day in full detail. It is fun to go back and read my older posts.
I've always been one to document my life though. I started keeping a diary in sixth grade. And, while I don't write in my own private journal but every so often; writing has always been therapeutic for me. My private journal has all of my secrets, and the deepest parts of my soul are poured into it. I've got many journals now - all compiled neatly in a box in our attic.
One reason I am part of the blogging community, is because I'm nosey. Ever since I was a little girl, I would love to peer into people's windows at night. You know, when all their lights are on, and you can see everything as plain as day! Whether it was from the back seat of my parent's car, or on a family walk. I still to this day, do that! Blogging, or rather, being part of the blogging community gives me the opportunity to peek into other people's lives.
Until recently, my blog was a heap of a mess. I finally decided to hire someone to design it, and I'm so thankful I did! Because right now in my life; my blog is a creative outlet for me. Things have gotten a lot easier with Bobby around the house, and it's nice to have my own thing to preoccupy my time with. I don't work, and I don't plan on it, until our kid(s) are older. I love to post about my family, and any other random topics {like today's} that come to mind. I love to participate in other bloggers' link ups, giveaways, and reviews. And, of course, to read about their own families.
I am not sure where this blogging thing will take me. But, I have already made friends out there in the blogging community, and I love that! I have also won a few giveaways lately, and that's always exciting! {Seriously, the last time I won a raffle of any sort was in the 1st grade. Sad.} I enjoy so much reading about my blogging friends' trials, joys, and experiences. I love to read the boring, mundane, day to day stuff too. I learn so much! I have so many DIY projects I want to try, recipes to cook, places to visit, and recommendations to check out. The blogging community is a great resource for everything in my life. Seriously, just about everything.
I love to follow the journey of others. But, selfishly, I think documenting my own family's journey is most important.
And, aw shucks... thanks for having me!

Jen, so fun reading your reasons behind blogging.
I feel the same in many respects! And blogging, for me, has become a little addicting!
I am still searching for the best way to manage it all---blogging, motherhood, being a wife, and daughter, etc. Let me know if you find a way, I'm all ears!
Hope your Tuesday is going well!
Hey, Jen, thanks for stopping by.There are a lot of us bloggers in Bham, you'll have to check out the home tour next year. nice to meet you!
I am so glad you started blogging and that we crossed paths!!
I started gosh 5 years ago, maybe a lil longer. I still have my private blog (its neglected, lol) but it was hard b/c it was PRIVATE! I couldn't really mingle and meet new friends. I just started my public one a few mths ago and have met so many new friends. I am so thankful!
All of your reasons are great. I love the nosey part, bwahahaha!!
Hope your day is blessed sweetie-xo
Just checking on you...
Hope you have a fab week!
Thanks for your sweet words this morning.
Just checking on you...
Hope you have a fab week!
Thanks for your sweet words this morning.
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