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Monday, December 6, 2010

It's my Birthday...

And, I want to have a button swap!


Leave me a comment, and I'll be happy to place your badge under my "Cute as a Button" tab. {Don't forget to grab mine on my right sidebar.}

P.S. Any advice for a newly crowned 32 year old? ;-)



Blogs said...

Happy Birthday:) Have a nice day! I'd grab the button and put it on Freckles and Fudge but I'm cleaning that site....But it's on For The Love of Blogs:) xoxo..Have a good drink for me:)

nomo wino daph said...

Happy Happy Birthday Doll!! Hope you get all you've ever dreamed of:)

I have your badge under my bloggy girls tab:)


Shannon said...

Happy Birthday to you, friend! Enjoy your day! You've got a year on me, let me know how 32 goes! I'm thinking each year will just get better and better.

Tracey said...

Happy Birthday! Your blog should be named "Young Pup" because that's what you are! Enjoy 32! And I'm taking your button! :)

Mama K said...

Happy Birthday!! We've already done the button swap! :) Hope your day has been wonderful!


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