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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (almost)


A goofy, margarita drinking husband + sleeping baby =

My kind of birthday dinner!



Jumping Jack said...

Love it! I hope you had a very Happy Birthday!

Shannon said...

Sounds good to me...hope you had a great one!

Did you hear about Urban? He's officially stepping down...hmmm? What does that mean for our Gators!

Love the email last night...yay for the new charm!


Shannon said...

Oh and we had Mexi last night too...funny!

Jenny Postma said...

This is so great!!! You are a lucky lady:)

Volree Wade said...

Hope it was a great bday friend! Love Bobby's jean jacket!!

Ashley said...

HAHA I love it! You're right, that's the perfect combo!


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