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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Wanted to add...

For those wondering... yes, we did take Winston to the vet to get checked out. Forty dollars later, he was given a clean bill of health!


Jeff and Stacy Holmes said...

So glad to hear that Winston is jaw litterally dropped when I read your earlier post! That is VERY traumatic!! Glad he's okay!!

Meg said...

So glad he is okay!

And I must move where you are. Only $40 for visit. Super cheap!

The Golden Years said...

Oh my goodness, I just read your post about Winston! Poor guy!

It reminded me, though, of years ago when my Dad's old lab was hit by a car. He literally fell down, got back up and ran back to us, wagging his tail. It was amazing! Thank God they get lucky like that sometimes!

Glad Winston is A-Okay!


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