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Monday, January 4, 2010

Training Update

Sorry, no fun pictures for today's post. I still need to upload the pictures though from our New Year's Eve dinner.

Anyhow, the half marathon I'm dreading is coming up in six weeks! I'm dreading it, because it's my first one, and I have not been able to train properly for it. I am finally back to my running, but am doing just shorter runs. Bob is also signed up, and he's run less than me. We've both had injuries and pain holding us back.

So, what will we do? Our goal is to just finish at this point. I would have liked to have set a goal of a time to finish in, but that's not gonna happen. We are planning to follow a plan designed by Jeff Galloway, which consists of running 4 minutes, and walking 1 minute. His principles teach one to run injury free.

(As I'm typing this, Bobby is making the funniest faces! Love that kid...)

But, we both have been pretty consistent with our cross-training, so hopefully that will help in the end!

As for this week... it's going to be cold here in the 'Ham. We are expecting snow on Thursday! Bobby and I will most likely be indoors all week, with the exception of today's Kindermusik class. I am also going to watch tonight's premier episode of The Bachelor with some girls in the neighborhood later. I'm excited for that! And, I've got a hair appointment on Thursday, which is much needed!

I hope you all have a great week, and stay warm!


Beth Dunn said...

You will do great! Best of luck. xoxo


The McCrystals said...

Yikes. This is like the first time I've had some time to peruse my favorite website (your blog) in forever!

I've said it a ton, but motherhood suits you and makes you even more beautiful! Going through these pics makes me so emotional. I "know" where that smile comes from now. I'm part of the "the club".

I also can't believe Bobby is 8 months old and I still haven't gotten to meet him yet! He really is one of the most beautiful babies I've ever seen (even if it is only via pictures).

I loved your "year in review".

I also really hope you read these comments or else it was all for naught!

I miss you and love you!

Meg said...

You will do AWESOME in the half! The goal is to finish and I know you will. You can work on time later. Plus just think, you can only get better. :)

Have a great time and know I will be cheering for you all the way in Cali!


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