Halloween was a lot of fun this year... yeah, except for the fact that Bobby hated his costume. He looked so stinkin' cute in it, but wanted nothing to do with putting the hood on, of his puppy dog costume. But, we ventured on out anyways.
We headed over to the Postma's, for some delicious chili and dessert before trick-or-treating. As the sun set into darkness, we walked toward our neighborhood park. Our family ended up getting separated from the pack, but we had a good time, nonetheless. As we ran into neighbors and friends outside, it was funny; no one recognized anyone in the dark! We saw some great costumes, got some yummy candy, and headed home around 7:30pm.
Bobby wanted to be held for most of the outing. I think 2011 will finally be the year that he gets Halloween.
Group shot - From l to r: our family, Harris family, Wade family, and Postma family.
Luke (11 months) the Lion, Cooper (13 months) the Giraffe, Bobby (18 months) the Puppy, and Jack (10 months) the Monkey.
These last two pictures are just Classic, with a capital C.

Awww, poor poor Bobby! Isn't that just like a kid though...you put all this work and effort into something only to have them not like it! Just goes to show you that you can't plan everything. Gillian was okay with her costumes this year, but we had to do practice trials at home with her full on dressed so she'd get used to them and not want to rip them off! Haha! But I'm with ya, hopefully next year our little munchkins will enjoy the holiday a little more! Regardless of whether or not he liked his costume, he looked precious! Love the group shot!
Looks like fun. All the little animal boys look cute:) You look so pretty in all of the pictures!
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