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Monday, August 24, 2009

Bob's First Multi-Sport Event

Also, known as his first organized sprint triathlon.

Bob decided it would be fun to host a practice triathlon at Oak Mountain State Park on Sunday. He invited several co-workers and friends to participate. He figured it would be great practice for the experienced folks, and a stress-free way for any newbies to do their first tri. Bob had several helpers - including his friends and co-workers Mike, Jaki, and Greg. Afterwards, there was a delicious cookout. And, to top it all off, the weather was in the 70's that morning. We definitely got a hint of fall this weekend in Birmingham.

Bob and Mike (Coozeball), post-race.

Amy and I, holding our little munchkins.

The three winners. From l to r: 3rd place - Bob, 1st place - Bart, 2nd place - Greg.

The participants.

Family picture :-)

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