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Monday, October 25, 2010

Mommy and Me Monday

Both photos courtesy of Paul Perdue.

For some reason, I am having technical difficulties and cannot attach the button for Mommy and Me Monday. If you want to play, go here.

Happy Monday & Have a Great Week!


Shannon said...

We've got to get some pictures taken of our entire family! While I love taking pics of GG, I'd like to be in some of them too! Love your hair...did you just let it dry naturally? It's so wavy, cute!

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

You look just like Sandra Bullock in these pictures!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking of that- except dad always says that you are so much prettier- I agree!!!!

Jamie said...

I agree that you look like a movie star in these pictures. They are very paparazzi-ish.


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