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Friday, June 10, 2011

Birth Announcement


9 weeks

Our little family of three (four, if you count Winston) is expanding!

We are 15 weeks pregnant today, and will be expecting our little bundle of joy sometime around December 2nd. My doctor and I have already decided to do a c-section, and it will most likely happen the last week of November. I had a c-section with Bobby, and because of my health history - we decided it was safest to go this route again. We are so overjoyed about adding another munchkin to our family. This baby is nicknamed "Baby Munchkin." We find out the sex in less than 3 weeks! I can't believe it. I first was thinking girl, but, am now leaning towards another boy. Of course, either would be great!

As some of you know, I only made it to 34 weeks with Bobby. If you could please lift us up in prayer to go full-term, that would be great and so appreciated!

Mom, this is for you... (and, I promise we'll get a cuter shot of Bobby in his "Big Bro" shirt soon enough!)




Carrie with Children said...

YAY! How exciting! Congratulations to you and your family! I'll keep you in my prayers!

MOM said...

te picture is so cute- love his little face- prayers going your way boy or girl it will be FANTASTIC!!!!!!1

Mama K said...

Yay! :) Congrats. Love his shirt! We are SO close in due dates...mine is Dec 1st :) We find out in 4 weeks, but I so wish we could know sooner!! I tried to get that scan as soon as I could...but 19 weeks is what they gave me :) My husband thinks girl...but I'm just not sure yet! I will definitely pray for you to go full term!!

jbeatty said...

So so so happy for you guys! I am going to call you next week! We need to catch up. Where did you get his big bro shirt? I love it!! I'll pray for you.

Jenny Postma said...

Congrats Jen and Ross Family!!!!! So excited for you and we will be keeping you in our prayers!

Ashley said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear what you are having! xo

Puttin' On The GRITS said...


Shannon said...

I was wondering when y'all were going to make the announcement public! So excited for y'all! XO

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you, and so glad to see you are blogging again and caught up on posting! I got some reading to do!! Congrats all around to the fam!!!


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