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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Couch Sweet Couch

In our home, Home Sweet Home, has been replaced with Couch Sweet Couch.

The couch has become hang-out central in our house these past few days. But, I really like it. Bob and I have spent the past couple of days in our pj's, but I think most new parents have days like this in the beginning. It's been raining almost non-stop outside, so it is perfect! Besides, if anyone knows Bob, they know that he is definitely capable of watching movies all day. Today, we've already watched The Burbs, and Greedy - two old comedies. I did actually brush my teeth before noon today. Yesterday, it was 4pm before I changed or brushed my teeth. Although things are kind of hectic, there is a calm sense of peace and happiness in our house too. If only Bob could stay here just a couple of more days before going back to work. Sigh...

My sleeping boys.

Sleeping boys again!

Sweet precious Bobby with Daddy. It was feeding time.


mom said...

you all look so mom

Jessica said...

This is so exciting! I am so glad to see everyone adjusting so well : )

Collier Chronicles said...

I am glad you guys have settled in. I was telling Bob my husband would have up until midnight time frame. After midnight I would get up and let him sleep since he had to work and I did not.

I hope you guys find a good routine for yourselves. I also have some great blogs to read/follow if you are interested.

I am highly addicted to blogs.


Jeff and Stacy Holmes said...

I just love the pic of daddy and baby sleeping on the couch...precious! :)

Shannon said...

such sweet pics!


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