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Friday, May 15, 2009

Delivery Room Pictures

Hello everyone!

We are doing well here. Bobby turned 2 weeks old yesterday! In celebration, we sat on the front porch for awhile and rocked. It was so nice outside. The Regions Charity Golf Tournament is taking place literally steps from our home. There has been a lot of action in the neighborhood, and noise (grrr...). Bob was able to enjoy some of the festivities yesterday. We may take Bobby in the stroller this weekend, early in the morning. He is really only supposed to be outside for walks when it's cooler in the day.

He's doing great though! Yesterday, the pediatrician did a weight check. When we left the NICU on Tuesday, he weighed 4.9 lbs. At yesterday's check-up, he weighed 5.2 lbs. He's not quite back up to his birth weight, but I am just happy he is thriving at home. He'll go back next week for another weight check, and then again at 2 months.

We also gave him his first bath at home. Go here to see some pictures of it. We put his footprints in his Baby Book, and The Foot Book, by Dr. Seuss.

Bob's parents left today and they were a huge help. We've been so fortunate to have had them here. My parents are coming in on Monday to help. It was nice having dinner made for us, and help with the house chores. I will miss those morning naps when Bob's mom and dad would hold the baby for me, for a couple of hours. We've also been very fortunate with support from our neighbors. They started bringing us home cooked meals on the 11th, and this will continue almost daily, until the 1st of June. Thank you to all the residents on our street!

Finally, here are some pictures from the delivery room. I have finally uploaded the pics from our trip to Seattle (which feels like a lifetime ago...) and Bobby's Birth Day.

Bobby, just minutes old.

Cute little munchkin, weighing in at 5.62 lbs. His length was 18.5 inches. He was quite big for being born at 34 1/2 weeks!

He's probably thinking "put me back in, put me back in!!!"

Picture of the proud parents.

First family picture.


Unknown said...

You look gorgeous!

Linz Adams said...

I looked at the pictures of you guys putting his footprints in the book - he has some LONG legs!

Shannon said...

i am loving these great to have them. bob's dad? good job!

Shannon said...

he looks so big for being so early!!


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